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LED Card and LED Software Password

LED Card and LED Software Password:

Linsn Password:
Common Password: 168
Upgrade Password: cfxoki
L series wi-fi Password: 12345678

Color light Password:
Common Password:168

Novastar Password:
Common Synchronize Control System’s Password: 666
Upgrade Password:666888
Administrator’s password: admin
Username: None Advanced user password: 666; maintenance user: 444; debugging user: 555; some software (such as NovaLCT-Mars) user password is admin

T series:
Searching card IP:
user: admin
password: 123456
WIFI Password: 12345678

PSD series:
user: admin
Test Mode:666888

Xixun Password:
Common Password: 168
IP: 192.168.0.XXX
LED Editor set Password: 888
WIFI password: 12345678

LISTEN Password:
Password: 888
Controllers: LS-A4 ,LS-A4L ,LS-A2 ,LS-A2C ,LS-E1 ,LS-E2 ,LS-E3 ,LS-G1,LS-G2,LS-G4,LS-G16,LS-U2,LS-U4,LS-U8,LS-U16,LS-W8,LS-W2,LS-W4,LS-W16, etc. When trying to change settings software may ask the password .The password is : 888

LINSN Password:
Password: 168
Password: 888
Password: 88888
Password: 888888

Huidu Password:
Common Setting Password: 168
WIFI password: 88888888 or lc888888 or pro88888

DBstar Password:
User: dbstar 888888 / password:dbstarled

XLG Password:
Common Password: 168 / IP: 192.168.1.XX X/ Advanced setting Password: 888
WIFI 88888888

Lumen Password:
Common Setting or Upgrade Password: 26888
Play setting: 16888
IP: 192.168.1.XXX

Onbon Password:
Common Password: 168
Password: 888

ZDEC Password:
User: zdec
Password: 168

fkshow password :88888888

Serial number: 888888,
Password of the hardware: 168
Administrator’s password: 888.
Normally You Just Need To Download the Latest Version of LEDStudio / LEDSet, If you have problem,then you can download the old version to try.